The plane

The plane
A plane trip that would change Everything.....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Context of the story

'The Lord of the flies' is based in the time of World War 2(1939-1945) . This was a time where many people were evacuated from their homes to other countries to safety. An aeroplane full of European boys crash landed onto a deserted island. This is supported in the book by, "There was that pilot. But he wasn't in the passenger tube, he was up in the cabin in front." You could see that there was conflict and war at the time of which the book was set which supports the idea that it is set in World War 2. This is seen by how it says "We was attacked! When we was coming down I looked through one of them windows. I saw the other part of the plane. There were flames coming out of it." The book also discussed issues that suggest that they were most likely were part of an evacuee group that left London from an airport where there was civilisation."The children gave him the same simple obedience that they had given the men with the megaphones."
There were other quotes that support this from the book but these were the main quotes from the book.

Character discussion

Gary: Hey, have you finished the Lord of the Flies yet?
Jeremy: Why?
Gary: Well, i was just about to ask you... what is your favourite character?
Jeremy: Well, I like Piggy... i think. Jack is too crazy and Ralph is to much of a goody for me.
Gary: Isn't Piggy very lazy?
Jeremy: Well, that's because he uses his BRAINS instead of being stupid and running around.
Gary: I guess... he also has asthma. In the book, Piggy said, "My auntie told me not to run, on account of my asthma"
Jeremy: Oh yeah... i forgot. Piggy has these good ideas that could've made their lives much easier but.... no, they had to ignore him and do things the hard way.
Gary: Well, it not like he is the type of person that people listen to.
Jeremy: He is also very loyal...isn't he? He like... follows Ralph even though Ralph doesn't listen to him and makes fun of him all the time.
Gary: Yeah even though most people left Ralph, Piggy still called him chief. "You're still chief... You are...over us"
Jeremy: But he's also pretty shy and left out isn't he?
Gary: Yeah like when they were having the meetings and stuff, he always sat on the edge. In the! It says that"I got the conch!!! Jack turned. You shut up!!!"
Jeremy:Jack is pretty slack isn't he?
Jeremy: Oh nuts! Thats the bell! See ya in English!
Gary: I got to go to my locker!!!!

The Blitz

The Blitz
The German planes that caused the evacuation of many people from London. Taken from